Change of Federal State Unitary Enterprise Shchelkovo Biokombinat status


Change of Federal State Unitary Enterprise Shchelkovo Biokombinat status



On the basis of the provisions of paragraph 4, Article 29 of the Federal Law № 161-FZ State and Municipal Unitary Enterprises, dated 14.11.2002, paragraph 2 of the Rules for Establishing and Managing Activities of Federal Public Enterprises, approved by Decree of the Government of Russian on 15.12.2007, # 872 Establishment and Management of Activities of the Federal state-owned Enterprises, Decree of the Government of Russia 2332-p, dated December 10, 2013, changed status of Federal State Unitary Enterprise Shchelkovo Biokombinat on Federal State Owned Enterprise Shchelkovo Biokombinat.

распоряжение ФКП
