



Brucelvac vaccine against brucellosis in cattle from Brucella abortus strain RB-51 "SchBK" live dry

Сultural monovalent and polyvalent emulsified inactivated vaccine against foot-and-mouth disease

Vaccine against animal necrobacillosis emulsified inactivated

Live dry vaccine against brucellosis in livestock animals from the strain Brucella abortus 19

Dry live vaccine against Brucellosis in cattle from the strain Brucella abortus № 82

Dry live vaccine against Brucellosis in cattle from the strain Brucella abortus 75/79-АВ

Cultural monovalent and polyvalent adsorbed inactivated vaccine against foot-and-mouth disease

The anti-rabies vaccine inactivated dry cultural from the strain “Schelkovo-51

The anti-rabies vaccine from the strain “Schelkovo-51” inactivated liquid cultural (Rabikov)


The anti-rabies vaccine from the strain “Schelkovo-51” inactivated liquid cultural (Rabikov)

Resvak vaccine against porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome live dry

Ausvak vaccine against Aujeszky's disease live dry marked

Inactivated vaccine against swine circovirus infection - Circostop

The anti-rabies vaccine inactivated dry cultural from the strain “Schelkovo-51”

Сultural monovalent and polyvalent emulsified inactivated vaccine against foot-and-mouth disease

Vaccine against swine erysipelas from the strain VR-2 live dry

Dry live vaccine against Swine salmonellosis (paratyphoid) from the strain TS-177


IBK-SCHBK Vaccine against chicken infectious bronchitis live dry

Virus vaccine from the strain “Bor-74 VGNKI” against Newcastle disease dry

Virus vaccine from the strain “La-Sota” against Newcastle disease dry


The anti-rabies vaccine from the strain “Schelkovo-51” inactivated liquid cultural (Rabikov)

The anti-rabies vaccine inactivated dry cultural from the strain “Schelkovo-51

The anti-rabies vaccine inactivated dry cultural from the strain “Schelkovo-51” for dogs and cats (Rabikan)


The anti-rabies vaccine inactivated dry cultural from the strain “Schelkovo-51

The anti-rabies vaccine from the strain “Schelkovo-51” inactivated liquid cultural (Rabikov)

Virus-vaccine against equine rhinopneumonitis dry cultural from the strain SV/69

Wild carnivores

Virus vaccine Oralrabivak for oral immunization of wild carnivorous animals against rabies

Diagnostic kits  


Test System PCR RT Leukosis- SBC

Test System PCR RT Listeriosis-SBC

Test System PCR RT Bluetang-SBC

Test kit system for diagnostics of brucellosis of animals in the Rose Bengal Test (RBT)

Test kit system for diagnostics of brucellosis of animals in the milk ring test (MRT)

Test kit system for diagnostics of brucellosis of animals in the agglutination test, complement fixation test and prolonged complement fixation test

Dry Complement for the Complement Fixation Test (CFT)


Test System PCR RT ASF- SBC

Brucellin VIEV


Test System PCR RT Influenza A-H5/H7/H9 - SBC

Test System PCR RT Influenza A - SBC


Kit for the diagnosis of Equine Infectious Anemia with the agar gel Immunodiffusion (AGID test)

Other products  

Apyrogenic super treated water

Aluminum Hydroxide Gel

Laboratory animals (minor test animals)